KDirStat is not WinDirStat …

In the last week, an article of the Chicago Tribune caused a lot of trouble. The author of the article mentioned WinDirStat, but linked to KDirStat from his article. Many of the readers tried to download the KDirStat archive, but were disappointed that it did not work. This was only natural, though, since the archive was meant for KDE running on Linux.

So what is KDirStat then? Whoever read the about box of WinDirStat will have noticed, that Bernhard was inspired by KDirStat and wrote WinDirStat. So if you will, WinDirStat could be considered a clone or port of KDirStat, although neither description really fits the relationship. However, the projects KDirStat and WinDirStat are not otherwise related except for the aforementioned relationship.

You can imagine that the user mails requesting support with a corrupt archive, when there was no corrupt archive because the users downloaded the Linux version, did not really get the author of the article many sympathies on side of KDirStat. I only figured what was going on, when I got a mail where I was given the contact of the author. When I asked back I was told that I had ranted about the article somewhere, which I simply did not do. So after reading the article carefully I saw that the link was wrong and followed the link. And there was the rant which had been associated with me.

But to make a long story short. If you like WinDirStat and you live in the two worlds of Windows and Linux (or other supported platforms), you will probably want to try KDirStat on that platform.

// Oliver

PS: MacOS users can use Disk Inventory X, see the links on the right side 😉

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One Response to KDirStat is not WinDirStat …

  1. JSmith says:

    [Can you say “50 months too late” 😀 ]

    Aw man, that’s crap. You app’s really quite a bit more awesome UI-wise than KDirStat. I was actually hoping someone would port WDS back to linux (perhaps even gtk!). I think I’ll check ze source right now.

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