Author Archives: Oliver

Migration in progress

As I have already hinted before, the migration off of Bitbucket is now in progress. So don’t be alarmed if you find some repositories disappearing and what not. I have taken copies of all relevant items and I’ll be happy … Continue reading

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Project repositories will move to self-hosted

Given the bad news from Bitbucket, the WinDirStat project will move to a self-hosted solution until the end of 2019. At least that’s the plan. We thank Bitbucket for their services. Once the self-hosting will be available, I will let … Continue reading

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Happy new year – new video featuring WinDirStat

Hey folks, a happy new year to the lot of you and check out this video featuring WinDirStat. // Oliver

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This looks fishy

Check out ((intentionally not linked)). What is this? The preparations by to take over the project on their platform or some third party registering it for some unknown reason? Either way, please do not trust downloads that may … Continue reading

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SSL certificate on

Hey folks, sorry about the negligence on my part. This is just to let everyone know that I’m aware of it. I already sent the CSR to StartSSL, so this will hopefully be resolved later today. // Oliver Update: This … Continue reading

Posted in Announcement | 2 Comments


Only recently I learned of a fork of WinDirStat on Github named altWinDirStat. You folks may want to check it out. I hope in mid to long term we can join forces rather than having the code bases diverge. // … Continue reading

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Please vote

Hi folks, please vote on the Bitbucket issue tracker for issues and features. If I see a trend there, I’ll probably prioritize according to it. // Oliver

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New independent file download mirror

Triple IT from the Netherlands kindly offered to provide another download mirror at no cost. (click to go to their website) It’s now linked from our download page. Thanks to Triple IT for the offer and implementation. // Oliver

Posted in Project news | 1 Comment

No PAD file … and none to come

After getting another request to create and offer a PAD file, I looked into the process again. There’s an online generator software at this address. I was using that to enter my data. When I was done filling in the … Continue reading

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Being all social now …

@windirstat 😉

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For anyone who uses premake4 and needs an up-to-date binary

A code-signed binary can be found here. You can pick any of the .exe files there, they should be code-signed. If not, let me know. I also include detached PGP signatures (the .asc files) and the latest build will always … Continue reading

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Re: WinDirStat detected as trojan ? rightly so

Submitted the trojanized file to a number of AVs and they are catching up as can be witnessed on VirusTotal. Hope not too many unsuspecting users fell for this. Whatever the source of the file may be. // Oliver

Posted in Project news | 8 Comments

WinDirStat detected as trojan … rightly so

Well, actually it isn’t the genuine WinDirStat but a trojanized version posing as WinDirStat and it’s masquerading under the disguise of the good Unicode version of windirstat.exe which is contained in the installer. So it’s named that as well. Now, … Continue reading

Posted in Project news | 1 Comment

Reddit: /r/WinDirStat

Find it here. The link is also in the link list in the sidebar. // Oliver

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Would you like a forum and/or a Wiki?

Hey folks, being users of WinDirStat and perhaps having contacted me through the contact form or other means, would you like to see a Wiki and or forum for WinDirStat instead of merely the trackers and the mailing list (which … Continue reading

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