Category Archives: Uncategorized

This looks fishy

Check out ((intentionally not linked)). What is this? The preparations by to take over the project on their platform or some third party registering it for some unknown reason? Either way, please do not trust downloads that may … Continue reading

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Only recently I learned of a fork of WinDirStat on Github named altWinDirStat. You folks may want to check it out. I hope in mid to long term we can join forces rather than having the code bases diverge. // … Continue reading

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No PAD file … and none to come

After getting another request to create and offer a PAD file, I looked into the process again. There’s an online generator software at this address. I was using that to enter my data. When I was done filling in the … Continue reading

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For anyone who uses premake4 and needs an up-to-date binary

A code-signed binary can be found here. You can pick any of the .exe files there, they should be code-signed. If not, let me know. I also include detached PGP signatures (the .asc files) and the latest build will always … Continue reading

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New project member

Please welcome our new project member Juan (aka neglox) 😉 // Oliver

Posted in Project news, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

MFT again

In order to implement this feature, there is a clear tradeoff: memory. The memory usage will, at least temporarily, spike more than it currently does. However, given that Microsoft surely has put a lot of thought into the structure of … Continue reading

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MFT woes …

Just a few comments on my progress. As it appears there is no way to get access to a volume unless one has administrator rights (or – presumably – the volume ACL was changed?). That, of course, creates the problem … Continue reading

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Will resume development now

Although I’m not fully back to normal, I’ll start development again and hope to have a version ready around September. // Oliver

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Forced technical break

I dislocated my right shoulder a few days ago and will therefore not reply to emails or work on WDS in the next three weeks – minimum. Update: I’ll undergo orthopedic surgery on 27th of April, which will most likely … Continue reading

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More FOSS-like release-cycle

When the project was still under Bernhard’s rule, he was always going to release only versions that had passed his test plan. I hope to break this tradition soon and release more often and release earlier. My goal is to … Continue reading

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Oh boy … (update)

The migration to Subversion apparently did have some cost attached to it. Just found out that for whatever reason the resource scripts have been garbled. Hmpf … Update: Actually the culprit must have been one of the editors used two/three … Continue reading

Posted in Translation, Uncategorized | 11 Comments

WinDirStat fan art

Just recently Bernhard received fan art, from a WinDirStat fan and forwarded it to me. We got the permission to put it up on the website by the author, so I am doing this now and here. The image (thumbnail … Continue reading

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Update (… detected as trojan)

The company behind STOPzilla doesn’t seem to deem it necessary to react on a false positive report from someone who hasn’t bought their software. This means it could be that their software still detects WinDirStat and since I am not … Continue reading

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Argh … WinDirStat detected as trojan

STOPzilla, an antispyware is catching the most current WDS installation package as Zlob.YU. While one should never take this too light-hearted, the first reaction of the user who contacted me was of course rather in the direction of an accusation. … Continue reading

Posted in Feedback, Uncategorized | 13 Comments

Juggling files? Try this …

I have to confess, I fell in love recently. Sounds weird? Right, it gets even more weird if I tell you that I fell in love with a file manager. The file manager is called Speed Commander (SC) and I … Continue reading

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